Programmatic Synthetic Data that is faster, safer and better

Transform your production data into privacy-preserving and highly realistic synthetic data. Share, access and build with data safely across teams, businesses, and international borders.

Why betterdata

The Pit Stop for Better Data: Synthetic Data

Faster data,
faster innovation

Speed up and unlock access to sensitive data in days instead of months by reducing data compliance bureaucracy.

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Safer data with privacy by design

Eliminate privacy risk of using or sharing sensitive data by replacing it with synthetic data that is legally compliant to data protection laws.

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Fairer data,
fairer AI

Identify and remove bias & imbalances in your data that leads to unethical AI models that breaks data protection laws and damages your brand's reputation.

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Anonymised data with maximum utility

Use privacy-preserving synthetic data that preserves the structure and correlations of your original data instead of heavily anonymised data with huge information loss.

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Use Cases

Enable your team to move faster and safer

Product development and testing

Replace sensitive production data or low quality dummy data in your product development and testing with highly realistic synthetic data to enable your team to iterate and innovate at speed.

Data collaborations

Data sharing drives enterprises innovation today but is a long and risky process. Whether it is third-party software testing or co-development of products with other companies & research institutes, replace sharing sensitive data with synthetic data to reduce the time and cost overhead of risk assessments by up to 70%.

Data privacy verification

Classic anonymisation techniques assumed to sufficiently protect data are often vulnerable to re-identification attacks. Our privacy audit screens your synthetic data for potential threats to help you make a more informed decision on your most sensitive data and provide accountability to external auditors.

Improve ML Performance

Our synthetic engine enables an improvement in ML performance through intelligent data augmentation by rebalancing underrepresented classes and predicting missing values.

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Don't let data slow you down.

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