How it works

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Generate and enhance synthetic data in 4 simple steps.
Real User Data

Upload and preview a dataset from your computer or any connected database

Training & Generation
Synthetic Data Engine

Generate highly representative synthetic data that retains the same insights as your original data using state-of-the-art AI generative models

Differentially Private Learning

Get proven privacy guarantees backed by mathematical proofs using Differential Privacy to enhance the protection of every individual training record

Rigorous Quality Assurance

Measure the quality of the synthetic data using rigorous data utility metrics and a privacy audit for compliance

Limitless Data Enhancement

Out-of-the-box features to enhance your data including imbalance correction, bias reduction, 10x data augmentation for rare cases and intelligent filling of missing values in your original dataset

The synthetic data generated looks, feels and functions just like your real data.
Real data samples

Synthetic data samples

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We're here to help. Can't find the answer to your question?
Contact us here.
How is synthetic data generated?
What data types are supported?
How large does the input dataset need to be?
Is on-premise deployment supported? What infrastructure is required?
Is cloud deployment supported? Which cloud providers are supported?